Creating a Sustainble and Healthy Campus - Staff Week January 2024 (WP8)

29.01.2024 -  

Starting 2024 full of fresh ideas and motivation at ATU, Ireland


The staff week of Work Package 8 ended on Thursday, January 18, 2024, after presentations and workshops at two of the Atlantic Technical University campuses in Letterkenny and Sligo, a visit to the renowned Organic Centre, and many generous invitations to experience the Irish culture.

The event included presentations from EU GREEN partners on the current situation within their universities, focusing on successful initiatives and the challenges they face. Participants had the opportunity to attend workshops, participate in fruitful discussions, and enjoy a dinner accompanied by live music at the Mount Errigal Hotel.

On the second day, parallel sessions were held, including workshops for students and staff, as well as joint presentations of workshop outcomes. The programme was then moved to Sligo, whilst making a quick yet eventful stop at the Organic Centre.

Day three focused on climate challenges and re-imagining the green and blue spaces of each respective university, part of the first steps of establishing climate-resilient campuses. Participants engaged in systems mapping, thematic analysis workshops, and discussions on action targets and next steps.


The programme concluded with parallel sessions for students and staff, including workshops and action plan activities. Nevertheless, student engagement, as well as the health and well-being of all university members were at the forefront of several of the workshops. The week culminated with joint presentations of workshop outcomes and conclusions.


After four days of meeting in person, in work and play, we have built a stronger team that will move forward with more clarity and speed.

The staff week might officially be over, but the journey has just begun. Stay tuned for more news on WP8 happenings!


Last Modification: 29.01.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster