Staff Week WP2 - More Sustainability in Education

25.04.2024 -  

Joint Degrees, SDGs und EU GREEN priciples


From June 25 - 27, WP 2 Education will meet in Évora, Portugal for its second Staff Week. In addition to a meeting of the Student Council, a wide range of topics are on the agenda. Central topics will be the selection of joint degrees from previously submitted and presented pilot degrees as well as the introduction of the Sustainability Minor. This will also include discussions about challenges in the implementation of joint European degree programs and how our EU GREEN educational principles can best be embedded in them. Train-the-trainer workshops will also be held to align curricular units with the SDGs and key competencies for sustainability.

A small excursion and a Portuguese crash course are also planned as part of the social program.

The preliminary schedule and important information on travel planning can be found here.

If you are interested in participating, helping to design the courses or have other topics that would fit well into the program, please contact the EU GREEN team.


Last Modification: 25.04.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster